Volunteer Positions

HOA Volunteer Positions

The HOA is run by unpaid volunteers.  We can keep costs very low as long as we avoid outsourcing, which costs a fortune.  Every time we outsource, we are unnecessarily burdening each homeowner with additional costs.  

Our volunteer positions address “low hanging fruit”.  Anything that requires special skills, special tools, certifications, insurance, or licensing will still be outsourced.  We don’t anticipate the need to outsource very much because our operations are very simple.  We don’t have a swimming pool, we don’t have a clubhouse, and we don’t have a golf course.

Mesa Oaks volunteer putting your newsletter mailings together.

Current Volunteer Positions

Document Archivist

Document Archivist

We have almost a dozen boxes of older HOA documents.  A document archivist will: Scan all documents into a computer. Perform OCR (computer text recognition on documents). Save documents into our electronic file system. There are several benefits to having documents in...

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Community Deals Negotiator

Community Deals Negotiator

Often contractors will offer discounts based on loyalty and volume. A Community Deals Negotiator is an individual (or group of individuals) who coordinate all aspects of volume discounts for the neighborhood.  You could arrange for a contractor to perform a job for...

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Phone Agent

Phone Agent

A phone operator attends to voicemails left at our HOA voicemail.  You will not be directly receiving calls, but you will instead be checking the HOA voicemail email address.   If you can help out with easy questions as where to find HOA rules, what forms to fill out,...

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Information Technology

Information Technology

All Information Technology services are being staffed internally.  This has saved us thousands of dollars. But, it requires specialized knowledge and we must always have many I.T. experts ready to assist in common duties. Examples of tasks include: Ensuring backups...

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Executive Officer

Executive Officer

  Bylaws 1.1. 3.1, 3.2. allow the Board to designate officers which assist in all HOA functions including, but not limited to: Crafting, researching, implementing new rules, policies, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Performing executive functions such as:...

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Christmas Decorations

Christmas Decorations

Please help us to decorate Mesa Oaks at Christmas time! We could use help with: Donations. Decorations or money. Purchasing decisions. Storage of decorations. Installation of decorations. Volunteers may use all HOA communications resources to promote the project. ...

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Yard Maintenance Enforcement

Yard Maintenance Enforcement

Our legal instruments require a certain level of yard upkeep. We need individuals to report upkeep violations to the Board for enforcement. There is a possibility of conflicts of interest so we have certain rules whereby a person may not work in an “HOA zone” that the...

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Volunteers will assist the HOA Treasurer with meeting all financial obligations and legal requirements.  Resident payments are recorded and overdue payments are assessed.  Contract expenditures are tracked and managed.  Periodic reports are generated showing HOA...

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The HOA is an IRS 501c3 “non-profit” corporation.  Our taxes are relatively simple but there are a few forms that we have to file (IRS Form 1096, 1099s for contractors, IRS Form 1120H).  We also have to file yearly taxes with the federal government (IRS)...

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Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

HOA legal documents require the existence of an ARC.  It’s the only committee that we are obligated to staff.  Board members cannot serve as ARC members (conflict of interest). The ARC is knowledgeable of HOA rules regarding building standards.  When a homeowner...

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HOA Website Social Media Moderators

HOA Website Social Media Moderators

Generally all HOA social media is an “anti-censorship” platform. But, there are a few laws that prevent posting of certain things which must be moderated. This includes, but is not limited to: Sale and trafficking of illegal goods such as drugs. Interactions of a...

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Simple Sprinkler System Maintenance

Simple Sprinkler System Maintenance

HOA common areas use sprinkler systems. These break over time. We need residents who are willing to help identify issues and to make only simple repairs. Problem identification: this involves regularly turning the system on and ensuring each sprinkler zone is watering...

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