
Disclaimer: The Mesa Oaks Homeowner Association does not endorse any of these websites. These are external links not managed or owned by the Mesa Oaks HOA. We take no responsibility for the contents of these websites.




Corporate Buyouts

Computer Security / Privacy / Security

  • Google Censors GoogleDocs of Pfizer Whistleblower – this is why the HOA has its own platform on its own servers.  Otherwise we would be controlled by mega-corporations imposing their social engineering on us.  Imagine how management companies would impose their policies that limit our religious freedoms, then we would be subject to their Terms of Service, and imagine how if one day BlackRock or some other multinational hedge fund started buying up our homes, how they would de-platform us for opposing them on their platforms.  Here Google is censoring on behalf of Pfizer.  We need to stay 100% independent and 100% private from 3rd parties. 

HOA Overreach
